Frequently Asked Questions

What is POG?
The Pediatric and Obstetric Grant (POG) project is an educational and skills-based project for selected North Carolina EMS Systems. This project is made possible by grant funding from AHRQ. Faculty and staff at UNC's Department of Emergency Medicine and the EMS Performance Improvement Center (EMSPIC) manage POG project operations.
What are the project’s aims?
The aim of this project is to improve the emergency medicine care of pediatric patients and patients experiencing obstetric emergencies. To achieve this improvement, we focus on bolstering EMS providers’ knowledge and skills related to these high risk patient populations.
What kind of training is provided?
The project includes both web-based and simulation-based training. For web-based learning, providers will log in to our training site and be able to take the courses whenever and wherever they want. Providers will receive CEU credits for completing each course. WakeMed Center for Innovative Learning conducts simulation training for all providers in participating counties. Providers will receive hands-on training on high-tech ambulances. They will be able to apply their knowledge on computerized mannequins. All trainings are provided at no cost to the providers.
How many online courses are being developed?
In total, we plan to develop at least 24 courses, comprised of injury prevention and prescriptive learning. Examples include: Drowning; Traumatic Brain Injury; Pediatric Trauma / Obstetric Trauma; Pediatric Medical Response / Obstetric Medical Response; Normal Childbirth / Abnormal Childbirth; Early Stage Obstetric Emergencies / Late Stage Obstetric Emergencies; Child Abuse; Domestic Violence / Obstetric Abuse; Behavioral Emergencies; and Pediatric Assessment and Development
How often are providers being tested?
Providers will take the knowledge test once a year. Results will allow courses to be prescribed depending on the provider's weaknesses. This test must be taken in order to unlock access to the courses. Each course will have a short pre- and post-test. These tests help to determine credit for the courses and allow the research team to evaluate the effectiveness of each course.
What EMS Systems are involved with the project?
Nine EMS Systems are participating in the project. Systems include four urban counties and five rural counties. Our urban counties are Orange, Guilford, Durham, and Alamance. Our rural counties are Davie, Stokes, Person, Caswell, and Chatham.
What about counties not currently involved?
POG is currently closed to enrolling more agencies in the project. However, we are happy to announce that the 20+ custom-made courses will be available to the public in 2016. If you want to be informed when these courses become available to the public, please contact us here and we will notify you when the courses are open.
Why focus on just pediatric and obstetric patients?
POG focuses on these high-risk, low-volume cases because, while EMS may not see many cases, the importance of accurate and swift care is critical. To help learners become accustomed to the online learning interface of the courses, we have also developed several injury prevention courses that do not pertain to pediatric nor pregnant patients specifically. These courses are similar to the main POG courses in terms of length. The injury prevention courses are also free to take and available for continuing education credits.
Have other questions or technical difficulties?
Go to the “Contact Us” page and submit a message.